Emergency Kit

Assembling an emergency kit now can help you make sure you and your family have what you need in an emergency. To simplify the process, Pinellas County Emergency Management recommends that you keep these items ready to go in case you need them on a moment’s notice.

You can make it even easier by printing this checklist and getting all your supplies in one place:

Basic Supplies  

  • Sanitation: Wipes, antibacterial hand gel, soap, toilet paper, hygiene supplies, feminine supplies, diapers, cloth face covering. Enough for each family member. 
  • Water: At least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking, and an additional one gallon per person per day for hygiene and cooking
  • One-week supply of nonperishable food that does not require cooking. For example: dried fruit, canned tuna fish, peanut butter, etc. Remember comfort foods.
  • Non-electric can opener 
  • Medications and copies of prescriptions. Ask your pharmacist for a printout.  
  • Rain gear  
  • Flashlight or lantern  
  • Battery-operated or hand-crank radio  
  • Extra batteries  
  • First aid supplies: Over-the-counter pain reliever, anti-diarrhea medicine, laxative, antihistamine, anti-itch cream, antiseptic 
  • Insect repellent
  • Extra batteries for medical devices such as hearing aids
  • Eyeglasses and extra contact lenses
  • Extra bottled oxygen if needed
  • Small generator for electrically-dependent equipment like an oxygen concentrator or nebulizer
  • Cash for when ATMs are out of service. Small bills will make purchasing easier.
  • Emergency Access Permit (for beaches)  
  • Books, cards, board games for entertainment  
  • Full tank of gas in vehicle  
  • Cell phone with charger, extra battery backup, solar charger
  • Emergency contacts in mobile device and in print for backup
  • Information downloaded to your mobile device (contacts, maps)
  • A paper map
  • Paper and pencil
  • Sunscreen

Important Documents  

  • Take photos of your documents for backup.  
  • Put paper copies together in a sealed plastic bag.  
  • Driver’s license or ID card
  • Emergency Access Permit for barrier island residents and businesses
  • Social Security card
  • Important numbers and emergency contacts
  • Medical records: Pharmacy prescription record, doctors, medications, dosages, blood type  
  • Insurance policies for home, health, flood, auto, renters
  • Titles to house, cars and boats
  • Pay stubs for disaster assistance eligibility  
  • Household inventory for insurance claims: Photo or video documentation stored online  
  • Other irreplaceable papers: Birth, marriage, divorce, death and adoption certificates; passports; military records; wills; trust documents
  • Account numbers for bank, credit cards, savings and investments
  • Hurricane Preparedness Guide

Basic Supplies for Pets  

  • Enough pet food and water for two weeks  
  • Identification/chip (remember to update)  
  • License
  • Immunization records  
  • Photo  
  • Collar and leash  
  • Medications for two weeks with instructions  
  • Toys/blanket  
  • Cat litter, pan, scoop  
  • Plastic waste bags  
  • Disinfectant  
  • Paper towels  
  • Carrier or crate  
  • Newspaper or other lining  

Supplies to Add If You Go

Host Home or Hotel   

In addition to basic supplies:  

  • Pillow and blankets  
  • Air mattress, sleeping bag, floor mat or other as needed  
  • Food and water. Find out from the host what you can bring, including the perishable food you have left.
  • Paper plates, plastic cups and utensils 
  • Complete change of clothing for several days  
  • Check with your host to see what they need. 

Public Shelter – General  

In addition to basic supplies:

  • Wearable medical alert tag  
  • Blanket, pillow, cot, folding chair or twin-size air mattress  
  • Complete change of clothing for several days  
  • Special dietary items (sugar-free, low sodium, gluten-free, etc.) with can opener if required. Common food and water is supplied.
  • Flashlight 
  • Ear plugs 
  • Eye mask/covering for sleeping 
  • Battery-powered fan 
  • Battery-powered radio 

Public Shelter – Special Needs 

In addition to basic supplies:  

  • Any durable medical equipment or supplies you may need such as:
    • Portable oxygen  
    • Wheelchair, walker or cane  
    • Oxygen concentrator  
    • Nebulizer  
    • Medications in the original container (two-week supply)  
  • Blanket, pillow, cot, folding chair or air mattress. Available cots are limited in number. 
  • Complete change of clothing for several days  
  • Personal hygiene: Toothbrush, wipes, soap, hairbrush, adult diapers
  • Earplugs, headphones, sleep mask  
  • Written instructions or orders regarding your care  
  • Pet emergency kit. Pets will not be staying with you.

Supplies to Add If You Stay (or When You Return)  

A Kit for Home  

  • Two weeks of fluids to drink and nonperishable food that does not require cooking. For example: dried fruit, canned tuna fish, peanut butter, etc. Remember comfort foods.
  • Paper plates, plastic cups and utensils  
  • Cooler with ice. Make extra ice in plastic bags and plastic food storage containers, and keep those in the freezer to keep food cold longer. 
  • Insect repellent  
  • Sunscreen  
  • Tarps with rope or elastic cord
  • Whistle to signal for help  
  • Tools: Wrench to shut off water; utility knife for sheeting; and duct tape, hammer and nails to make temporary repairs
  • Dust mask
  • Sheets of plastic and duct tape to seal windows and doors if ordered to do so
  • Matches or lighter in waterproof container  
  • Large garbage bags  
  • Portable toilet: Use one from a boat or camper, or make one using a five-gallon bucket with lid, trash bags, chlorine bleach.
  • Household chlorine bleach with medicine dropper to disinfect or treat water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleach with added cleaners.
  • Extra gas for a generator and somewhere safe to store it  
  • Extra propane or charcoal for outdoor grill  
  • Battery-powered fan  
  • Camera to take photos/video of damage  
  • Disinfectant to prevent mold