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Boards, Councils, and Committees


December 12, 2022

Pinellas County Utilities offers rebates to homeowners for sewer pipe inspections and replacements

Pinellas County Utilities today announced that eligible sewer customers who own single-family home properties and follow program guidelines can apply for rebates...

December 9, 2022

Palm Harbor Museum opens Living Landscape addition

Pinellas County Government, the Palm Harbor Museum and Keep Pinellas Beautiful held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday to unveil a new Living Landscape with native Florida plants surrounding the historic location.

December 2, 2022

BCC to host free Fresh Food Giveaway on Dec. 16

As part of a countywide effort to meet the growing need for food assistance, the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners (BCC)...

Comisión del Condado Pinellas hará entrega de alimentos frescos

El evento gratuito será la mañana del 16 de diciembre en Palm Harbor Como parte de un esfuerzo para satisfacer la creciente...

Vacancy announced on Local Planning Agency

Applications are being accepted for one vacancy on the Pinellas County Local Planning Agency. This is an individual appointment position for Commissioner...

December 1, 2022

Ambulance membership offers solution to out-of-pocket expenses

Residents have a low-cost solution to costly ambulance expenses thanks to Sunstar’s FirstCare Ambulance Membership.

Membresía para ambulancias ofrece solución a gastos de bolsillo

Inscríbase ahora para cobertura de transporte en ambulancia hasta marzo de 2024 Los residentes del Condado Pinellas tienen una solución de bajo...

November 23, 2022

New, re-elected County Commissioners sworn in at ceremony

The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday evening welcomed three re-elected commissioners and two new ones. Commissioners Dave Eggers, René...

Pinellas: Comisionados del Condado, nuevos y reelectos, juramentan durante ceremonia

Comisionados Eggers, Flowers, Latvala, Peters y Scott juramentan su cargo La Junta de Comisionados del Condado Pinellas dio la bienvenida la noche...

November 15, 2022

BCC approves $2.25M in ARPA funds for nonprofit capital projects

The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday approved the first round of the American Rescue Plan Act Nonprofit Capital Project...