2025 Medical Plan Rates for Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees

What are my plan options as a retiree?

You have a choice of two medical plans which are both administered by UMR: Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with HSA.

If you or one of your dependents is Medicare eligible, coverage is provided under the Medicare Advantage (MAPPO) plan — see the Medicare Eligible Retiree Medical Plan Rates.

What do I pay for coverage? 

Monthly premiums are based on your date of hire as shown in the tables below. 

  1. Retirees hired between October 1, 1979 and December 31, 2010 who have more than 10 years of continuous Pinellas County service pay the following subsidized monthly cost for coverage:

Subsidized Monthly Premium for Retirees Hired Prior to January 1, 2011 Who Have More Than 10 Years of Continuous Service

Years of County Service County Subsidy Percentage County Subsidy in Dollars Net Premium for single retiree coverage Net Premium for retiree + spouse/DP* coverage Net Premium for retiree + child(ren) coverage Net Premium for retiree + child(ren) spouse/DP* coverage
10 25.00% $287.90 $863.69 $2,119.25 $1,889.99 $3,150.88
11 28.33% $326.24 $825.34 $2,080.90 $1,851.64 $3,112.53
12 31.66% $364.59 $786.99 $2,042.55 $1,813.29 $3,074.18
13 34.99% $402.94 $748.64 $2,004.20 $1,774.94 $3,035.83
14 38.32% $441.29 $710.29 $1,965.85 $1,736.59 $2,997.48
15 41.65% $479.63 $671.95 $1,927.51 $1,698.25 $2,959.14
16 44.98% $517.98 $633.60 $1,889.16 $1,659.90 $2,920.79
17 48.31% $556.33 $595.25 $1,850.81 $1,621.55 $2,882.44
18 51.64% $594.68 $556.90 $1,812.46 $1,583.20 $2,844.09
19 54.97% $633.02 $518.56 $1,774.12 $1,544.86 $2,805.75
20 58.30% $671.37 $480.21 $1,735.77 $1,506.51 $2,767.40
21 61.63% $709.72 $441.86 $1,697.42 $1,468.16 $2,729.05
22 64.96% $748.07 $403.51 $1,659.07 $1,429.81 $2,690.70
23 68.29% $786.41 $365.17 $1,620.73 $1,391.47 $2,652.36
24 71.62% $824.76 $326.82 $1,582.38 $1,353.12 $2,614.01
25 or more 75.00% $863.69 $287.90 $1,543.46 $1,314.20 $2,575.09

IMPORTANT: The subsidy is no longer available once you or a covered family member becomes Medicare eligible.

*DP = domestic partner

EXAMPLE: The full premium cost for single retiree coverage is $1,151.58. An employee with 18 years of service receives a Pinellas County subsidy of $594.68 which is deducted from $1,151.58 for a net monthly premium of $556.90.

2. Retirees who were hired (or rehired) since January 1, 2011 pay the following monthly cost for coverage. No subsidy is available.

Monthly Premium for Retirees Hired Since January 1, 2011

Coverage Monthly Rate
Retiree $1,151.58
Retiree + Spouse or Domestic Partner $2,407.14
Retiree + Child(ren) $2,177.88
Retiree + Child(ren) + Spouse or Domestic Partner $3,438.77

3. Retirees hired before October 1, 1979 pay the following subsidized monthly cost for coverage.

Subsidized Monthly Premium for Retirees Hired Before October 1, 1979

Coverage Monthly Rate
Retiree $105.61
Retiree + Spouse or Domestic Partner $456.60
Retiree + Child(ren) $362.25
Retiree + Child(ren) + Spouse or Domestic Partner $764.07

How do I pay for my coverage?

If you receive FRS Pension Plan benefits, your premium contribution will be deducted from your monthly pension check. It takes from 30 to 90 days for the deduction to be set up. Until that time, you will be billed by the Pinellas County Clerk of the Court. If you are an FRS Investment Plan participant, you will be billed monthly by the Pinellas County Clerk of the Court for your coverage.

What is the FRS Health Insurance Subsidy?

  • The Florida Retirement System (FRS) provides a Health Insurance Subsidy (HIS) to help you pay for retiree health insurance, whether through Pinellas County or another plan. 
  • The FRS provides $7.50 for each year of FRS service up to a maximum of $225 per month. For example, the Health Insurance Subsidy for an employee who retires after 20 years is $150 per month.
  • The subsidy will continue after you become eligible for Medicare.
  • The FRS will provide you with an application for this benefit approximately one month after your FRS retirement date. For questions regarding this benefit, please visit the FRS website at www.myfrs.com or call (866) 446-9377.
