Garbage and Recycling for Business

Pinellas County offers multiple options to assist businesses with waste reduction, reuse, recycling and disposal.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


2021 Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey

View and download the 2021 Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey. ...


Request Garbage and Recycling Service

Use this form to request garbage and recycling service from Pinellas County. Pinellas County only provides garbage and recycling home services in......


Grease Waste Hauler Permit Application

Copy of application to become a grease waste hauler in Pinellas County....


Pinellas County Government’s first two fully electric vehicles hit the road

Pinellas County Government’s first two fully electric vehicles are hitting the road this week, paving the way to a reduced carbon footprint......


Recycle Guide (Text Only Edition)

Document shows the text-only guide to Pinellas County's 2022 recycling guide. ...


STEAM Edition: Citizen Scientist Guide to Address the Global Waste Problem 

Document contains guidance to collecting comments and ideas from citizen scientists about dealing with waste. ...


STEAM Edition: Citizen Scientist Guide to Address the Global Waste Problem (Text Only Edition)

Guide to soliciting information from citizen scientists about handling the global waste problem....


2019 Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey

Report on results of Pinellas County Commercial Recycling Awareness Survey....


2014 Waste Characterization Study

Document analyzing the waste components in Pinellas County....


Guía Para Manejar las Bombillas Fundidas

Desechos Universales Resumen sobre las bombillas Bombillas que contienen metales peligrosos, tales como mercurio y plomo, son desechos peligrosos. El Condado Pinellas......
