Celebrating National Parks Month

July 2024

By Jolanda Jordan, Department Administrative and Fiscal Manager, Parks & Conservation Resources

In recognition of National Parks and Recreation Month, we celebrate and honor our dedicated park professionals who work tirelessly to preserve, protect and enhance our valuable natural spaces. Our employees play a crucial role in providing Pinellas County citizens and visitors with access to recreational opportunities promoting health and wellness and fostering a connection to the great outdoors. Park professionals work diligently to maintain our beautiful parks and preserves, ensuring they remain safe, welcoming, and enjoyable for all. Their passion for environmental stewardship, advocacy for conservation efforts, and commitment to creating meaningful experiences for visitors is truly commendable. Through their hard work and dedication, Parks & Conservation Resources employees are contributing to the protection of natural resources. They inspire a love for nature, instill a sense of environmental responsibility, and create opportunities for lasting memories for families to cherish.

During National Parks and Recreation Month, let us take a moment to recognize and appreciate the invaluable contributions of park professionals. Their unwavering dedication and expertise are essential to ensuring that Pinellas County parks continue to thrive for generations to come. Thank you to the employees of Parks & Conservation Resources for your outstanding service and commitment in contributing to the County’s efforts to maintain vibrant and inclusive spaces for all to enjoy.

parks staff photo
where you belong - national parks & recreation month 2024 logo

Parks Month Employee Spotlights

Robert “Kent” Cleveland

Position: Chief Park Ranger   

Department: Parks & Conservation Resources

How long with Pinellas County? 4 years.

How long have you been in this position? 1 year.

Have you had any other positions with Pinellas County?  Park Ranger 1, 2, and 3.

Describe your job in 25 words or fewer: Keep Pinellas County parks clean, safe, and enjoyable for our residents, visitors, and employees while providing a safe habitat for wildlife in our densely populated peninsula.

Best part of job: Working outside in the winter months. 

Most challenging part of job: Working outside in the summer months.

Most memorable moment? Watching an 11-foot gator cross the road on my first day. 

What do you do in your free time? Travel, beach, video games.

Gary Nelson

Position: Trades/Field Services Supervisor   

Department: Parks & Conservation Resources

How long with Pinellas County? 36+ years.

How long have you been in this position? 1.5 years as a Trades/Field Services Supervisor and 12+ years as a Trades Supervisor.

Describe your job in 25 words or fewer: Supervisor of South Trades overseeing the day-to-day operations of repairs, new construction, obtaining and purchasing materials and services, and being a consultant of past events and construction-related issues.

Describe your career path with Pinellas County: I started May of 1988 as a Maintenance Worker 1 at Taylor Park, became full-time at War Veterans Memorial Park in November of 1988, worked temp. for 6 months on the Horticultural Division operating the chipper truck for the tree trimmer, promoted to Automotive Equipment Operator 2 on the Roving Crew in 1990, promoted to Craftworker 1 on the Roving Crew in 1991, then promoted to Craftworker 2 in 2000. Promoted to Craftworker 3 in 2004, took a voluntary demotion to Craftworker 1 in 2009 due to the Reduction in Force (RIF) and family needs, then promoted back to Craftworker 3 in 2012. I was reclassified to Craftworker 2 in 2018 due to the Evergreen Study, but the position didn’t change. I was then promoted to Trades/Field Services Supervisor in 2023 till present time.

What has been the biggest change over the years since you started? Level of service to the parks due to the RIF and budget cuts.

What are some of your achievements that you are most proud of during your time with Pinellas County? Setting the standard of the exposed aggregate sidewalks known as River Gravel Sidewalks that hasn’t been duplicated by contractors. Doing quality work that directly effects and benefits the parks patrons and fellow co-workers.

What advice do you have for people looking to get into your field? Take pride in your work and do high quality work that can’t be duplicated by contracting because everyone will know who to turn to to get the job done right. Share your experiences and failures you’ve learned from that have helped you grow to be a better tradesman.

What is something that most people don’t know about your job that you would like them to know? Since being here for as long as I have, it would be having the institutional knowledge and saving certain materials/flat file plans to find information.

What have you enjoyed most about working for Pinellas County? Gaining valuable experience and knowledge in the construction field, operation of equipment, being a recourse for fellow co-workers, and knowing for over 36 years I’ve never pulled out a sidewalk I’ve installed due to workmanship or trip hazards and when installing sidewalks, we use the same process, so we don’t have issues in the future.

Most memorable moment/story: I have a lot of “I remember when” stories, I just wish I had kept a journal to make a book because there would be stories you wouldn’t believe. I’d say it would be the time I worked on a 3-Lift Station Replacement Project (Arrow Head, RR#2 and Palm Grove) that saved Pinellas County over $750,000 and being acknowledged for it at a function at the Sheraton Sand Key for the Quality in Fact/Quality in Perception Program. 

Bobby Voss

Position: Operations Supervisor – South County Parks

Department: Parks & Conservation Resources

How long with Pinellas County? I have been employed with Pinellas County for over 27 years.

How long have you been in this position? I have been in a leadership position for 23 years.

Describe your job in 25 words or fewer: Supervise/manage landscaping/mowing operations and maintenance in multiple parks; conduct training of new and temporary employees; plan, organize, and inspect subordinates’ work.

Describe your career path with Pinellas County: 1997 – Automotive Equipment Operator for the Public Works Department (Highway Division), 2002- Maintenance Crew Leader, 2006 – Crew Chief 1, 2010 – transitioned to the Parks Department as a Crew Chief 1, 2015 – reclassified to Crew Chief 2, 2023 – reclassified to Operations Supervisor.

What has been the biggest change over the years since you started? There have been lots of changes over the years — staff, equipment, but the most is record keeping. CityWorks has really made a big difference in most departments in the way we track and record daily tasks/events.

What are some of your achievements that you are most proud of during your time with Pinellas County? It’s very rewarding to be part of an organization (Parks & Conservation Resources) that supports you, no matter what your goals are. Every day that I am able to show up to work, it gives me a chance to turn opportunities into results. Also, implementing Toro 5900, 4000 batwing mower to become more efficient.  

What advice do you have for people looking to get into your field? Maintain consistency, stay true to yourself, believe in yourself, learn all you can, take all measures to achieve your goals, and model the actions you expect of others.

What is something that most people don’t know about your job that you would like them to know? I supervise and mentor, but I also at times take part in mowing, tree trimming, etc. I perform minor repairs on tractors and small equipment to minimize down time. Also, I have completed numerous certifications including Supervisory Leadership skills, Team Leader series, Diversity Effectiveness, Pesticide Application, and Parking Enforcement Specialist.

What have you enjoyed most about working for Pinellas County? I enjoy coming to work and being able to make a difference. Giving the best advice possible to co-workers, including helping park patrons navigate their way to a particular shelter, or helping them finding their way to a dog park.

Most memorable moment/story: I have a few memorable moments, but I think the most is being filmed for Pinellas County’s Doing Things on YouTube.      

Anna Yu

Position: Park Ranger 3

Department: Parks & Conservation Resources

How long with Pinellas County? 4 years in September.

How long have you been in this position? Since October 2023.

Have you had any other positions with Pinellas County? Park Ranger 1 and 2.

Describe your job in 25 words or fewer: I help coordinate research projects and presentations, create interpretive media for the park, guide nature tours for the public, develop environmental education programs for staff and volunteers, and more.

Best part of job: Watching staff members learn and be inspired by all the wild things this special place has to offer! It also brings me immense joy whenever I discover a new-to-me native plant or animal. The barrier island complex of Fort De Soto has taught me so much about the interconnectedness of our changing world.

Most challenging part of job: Working outdoors in the extreme heat.

Most memorable moment? Having the opportunity to assist FWC biologists rescue stranded manatees.

What do you do in your free time? I have a toddler, so I don’t do much else besides be his mom, but I do enjoy working in my native plant garden and hanging out with our many pets.
