Consumer Protection

Pinellas County is here to protect our county’s residents from falling victim to scam and help resolve issues they may encounter as a consumer.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Consumer Tips: Mortgage Terms You Should Know

CLOSING COSTS: Costs the buyer must pay at the time of closing in addition to the down payment. Closing costs average 3-4%......


Home Improvement Scams

Home Solicitation Be extremely cautious of anyone coming to your home uninvited and offering to do home repairs. This technique could be......


Towing Ordinance

The Office of Consumer Protection is tasked with the enforcement of towing companies. Click here for more information on your rights and......


Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking typically exploits individuals for commercial sex or forced labor while subjecting victims to force, fraud and coercion. In June 2015,......


Adult Use Establishments

The Office of Consumer Protection manages licensing for adult use establishments. Effective Oct. 1, 2023, there is a $59.00 increase in Adult......


Bingo Ordinance

During October 1997, Pinellas County enacted the Pinellas County Bingo Ordinance (Pinellas County Code Section 10-61). Anyone conducting bingo or leasing premises......


Car Repair Regulations

Motor vehicle repair shops must be registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Consumers must be provided with a......


Consumer Tips: Charities

Persons or organizations soliciting for charitable contributions are required to be registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Click......


Charitable Solicitation

This is a service offered to you by the Pinellas County Office of Consumer Protection. Charities soliciting in Pinellas County: Can only......


Consumer Protection – Contracting

The following construction and home improvement contractors are required to be licensed or registered with the Pinellas Construction Licensing Board: Contractors: Alarm......
