Licenses and Permits

Before fixing up your home or property, make sure you or your contractor have the necessary permits and licenses.

Always hire a licensed contractor. It’s the law.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Homeowner Guidelines for Trimming Mangroves

Mangroves are tropical trees that grow in calm intertidal areas where temperatures do not usually drop below freezing for prolonged periods. They provide......


Guía para la Poda de Manglares del Condado Pinellas

Los mangles son árboles tropicales que crecen en zonas interiores tranquilas en las que las temperaturas no suelen descender por debajo del......


Landscape Maintenance & Fertilizer Application Certification Requirements

All landscaping professionals working in Pinellas County must complete an approved training program and display a Pinellas County vehicle decal. Landscaping professionals......


Collection: Garbage & Recycling

Garbage and recycling collection services are managed independently by municipalities (incorporated areas) and County-licensed private haulers (unincorporated areas). Pinellas County does not......


For Residents of Unincorporated Pinellas

Unincorporated refers to property not within city limits. Services for unincorporated areas, as well as some services for incorporated areas, are provided......



Mangroves are protected by the State’s Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act and cannot be trimmed unless you qualify for an exemption or......


Contractor Licensing Department

The Contractor Licensing Department manages the business of the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board (PCCLB). The PCCLB has been licensing contractors, enforcing......


Unincorporated Permit Requirements

Learn what projects do and don't require a permit for locations in unincorporated Pinellas County....


Residential Plan Review Requirements

Pinellas County Building Services uses a comprehensive checklist for all plan reviews. View Commercial Plan Review Requirements. The following is a list......


Residential Swimming Pools

Section 424.2 requires all new private swimming pools be constructed with specific safety features to help prevent drowning. Section 424.2.6.6 requires all......
