Forward Pinellas Department Spotlight

June 2024

What services are offered by the department?

Forward Pinellas serves as both the Pinellas Planning Council and the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Pinellas County. We develop plans for transportation and land use in collaboration with local cities, Pinellas County, and agency partners (e.g., PSTA), as well as state and regional partners (e.g., Florida Department of Transportation). We provide a forum for Countywide decision-making on transportation and land use issues and provide technical assistance, regional coordination, and policy development and guidance, in addition to our role of establishing transportation priorities in Pinellas County for state and federal funding.

What projects is the department currently working on?

What are some achievements of the department within the last year?

Forward Pinellas staff at the 2024 Employee Appreciation Picnic at Sand Key
Forward Pinellas staff on Boss’ Day
Forward Pinellas staff at St. Pete Bike Co-op for 2024 In-Service Day

What do you enjoy about working in the department?

  • Jared Austin, AICP (Principal Planner): One of my favorite things about working for Forward Pinellas is planning with our local partners. We have a finger on the pulse of what is going on Countywide for all things land-use and transportation. Participating in projects across the County is a truly rewarding experience. I also love our focus on technology and innovation. We are at the forefront of taking innovative policy approaches towards complex issues and matching them with robust data analytics to drive our decision making.
  • Whit Blanton, FAICP (Executive Director): I like the ability to make plans become reality for the benefit and value of the public.
  • Chelsea Favero, AICP (Planning Manager): I like that we get to work with partners around the region, state, and nation, and have exposure beyond our small County; that we don’t sit in our offices every day and are able to get out into the communities that we serve; and that we can literally see the impact of the work we do on the communities we serve.
  • Linda Fisher, AICP (Principal Planner): Within the agency, we’re all taken seriously as professionals and allowed to have a voice. We’re given opportunities (and encouragement) to develop ourselves professionally and advance our careers. Our staff genuinely supports and helps one another. We’re a respected voice in the community.
  • Tina Jablon (Executive Administrative Assistant): I enjoy working with a dedicated, talented, and creative team to bring multi-faceted projects to fruition that benefit our communities. I especially appreciate seeing and learning about all the time and commitment it takes to bring these projects over the finish line.

What do you want people to know about the department that most people don’t know?

Most of our staff are planners with technical expertise in designing transportation and land use plans. With more than 120,000 additional residents expected in Pinellas County by 2050, planning and the design of our communities are essential to sustain our quality of life, environmental assets, and economic advantages.

How can employees reach out to the department?

Contact us via phone at (727) 464-8250, email us at, visit our website at, or visit our office at 310 Court Street in downtown Clearwater.
