Long-Time Employee Spotlight

June 2024

Sandra Tuller

Position: Senior Manager, Records Management Services

Department: Clerk of the Circuit Court

How long with Pinellas County? 25 years.

How long have you been in this position? I started working here on June 7, 1999.  I have been with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller for all but six of those years. I have been in my current position as a manager in Records Management for 10 years.

Describe your job in 25 words or fewer: Records Management professionals are responsible for the accurate and appropriate management, maintenance, retention, and destruction of the organizational records entrusted to our care.

Please describe your career path with Pinellas County: I started as a Court Records Specialist 1 with Civil Court Records in June 1999. I was promoted to Court Records Specialist 2 in July 2000. In October 2000, I accepted a promotion to the Records Management Department as a Records Management Analyst. Records Management was under the old General Services Division at that time. I received a promotion to Senior Records Management Analyst in January 2004. In October 2006, the Clerk’s Records Management Services Department and the General Services Records Management Department consolidated into one entity under the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, so I came back home! I was promoted to Assistant Manager in December 2007. I became the Manager of Records Management in June 2014 and was promoted to Senior Manager in December 2022.

What has been the biggest change over the years since you started? The most significant change has been the advent of electronic records and e-filing.  

What are some of your achievements that you are most proud of during your time with Pinellas County? I’m proud to be part of an organization that supported me in my journey from an entry-level position to a senior manager. I’m proud to have been part of the planning and implementation team for two data conversion projects in Records Management: Oracle in 2002 and Gimmal in 2022. Additionally, I’m proud to have been part of the team for two records center consolidation initiatives, culminating in relocating all records into one facility.

What advice do you have for people looking to get into your field? The best advice I can offer is never stop learning! Records Management is a vital, dynamic profession that is changing every day. The challenges presented by electronic filing and the emergence of artificial intelligence have necessitated a revaluation of the information management process that was unheard of when I entered this field. As records managers, we must stay on top of current trends to ensure we appropriately manage and retain the records entrusted to our care.  

What is something that most people don’t know about your job that you would like them to know? Records management is much more than filing paper! Records management is governed by Florida Statutes 119 and 257, the public records statutes in Florida. Other rules and regulations, such as the Florida Administrative Code, the Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration, and local administrative orders, also apply. Additionally, records management encompasses all formats, including electronic and microfilm formats. A records management professional must be well-versed in pertinent legislation and always be on top of current industry trends to ensure we use sound methodologies and comply with all mandates at all times.   

What have you enjoyed most about working for Pinellas County? I love working here, and I enjoy coming to work every day. I especially love the family-like atmosphere we enjoy. Throughout my career, my work family has always supported me during difficult times and celebrated happy times with me.

Most memorable moment/story: I have so many beautiful memories!  It isn’t easy to name just one. I love history, and I have appreciated the opportunity to learn about the history of the County we serve by participating in numerous file clean-up projects throughout Pinellas County. We live in a special place with a rich history, and I’m grateful to have played a part in preserving that history for future generations. I remember one very long and very successful file clean-up project. After we completed the project, the agency presented me with a large bag of M&M candies. As a serious chocoholic, I greatly appreciated their kind gesture!
