Animal Safety and Enforcement

Pinellas County provides compassionate enforcement to help eliminate the neglect and abuse of animals within our jurisdiction, and we’re here to help you provide for the care and safety of your pet.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Animal Services Stats March 2023

Animal Services Statistics on live intakes and outcomes for March 2023...


Animal Services Stats March 2023

Animal Services Statistics on live intakes and outcomes March 2023...


Make a Plan

Once you Know Your Risk, you can Make A Plan for how to respond if a hazard is threatening your safety. Who......


Animal Services Stats February 2023

Animal Services statistics on live intakes and outcomes for February 2023....


Animal Services Stats January 2023

Animal Services statistics on live intakes and outcomes for January 2023....


Animal Services Stats November 2022

Animal Services statistics on live intakes and outcomes for November 2022...


Animal Services Stats October 2022

Animal Services statistics on live intakes and outcomes for October 2022...


Animal Services Stats December 2022

Animal Services statistics on live intakes and outcomes for December 2022...


Law / Ordinances / Stats

Animal Services statistics on live intakes and outcomes ...


Preparing Pets for Emergencies

Pets are an important part of your family. Making an emergency plan that includes them, especially for hurricane season, is part of......
