Per Florida Statute 553.80, you can review our permit cost and utilization data for 2019. We provide this information publicly to Pinellas County residents so you can see how your government operates and how your money is spent. If you have any questions, contact Building Services.
Direct and Indirect Costs Incurred by the Local Government to Enforce the Florida Building Code
Personnel services, including salary and related employee benefit costs
Operating expenditures and expenses
Permit and Inspection Utilization Information
Number of building permit applications submitted
Operating expenditures and expenses
Number of building inspections and reinspections requested
Number of building inspections and reinspections conducted
Number of building inspections conducted by a private provider
Number of audits conducted by the local government of private provider building inspections.
Number of personnel dedicated by the local government to enforce the Florida Building Code, issue building permits and conduct inspections
Other permissible activities for enforcing the Florida Building Code as described in subparagraph (a)1
Revenue Information
Revenue derived from fees pursuant to paragraph (a)
Revenue derived from fines pursuant to paragraph (a)
When applicable, investment earnings from the local government’s investment of revenue derived from fees and fines pursuant to paragraph (a)
Balances carried forward by the local government pursuant to paragraph (a)
Balances refunded by the local government pursuant to paragraph (a)
Revenue derived from other sources, including local government general revenue