Site Development

Site development is the process of preparing a property for construction by designing and permitting improvements outside of a building. A site plan set can include the following items delineating the extent of proposed development and existing conditions, both surface and subsurface improvements — including but not limited to building(s), parking, landscaping, stormwater drainage, utilities, and other such information as may be required — to demonstrate the proposed development is in compliance with all pertinent County ordinances, resolutions, and policies. Site development plans shall be prepared by an appropriate professional licensed to conduct work in the State of Florida.

Do we serve your area?

We provide Site Development services for unincorporated Pinellas County.

Get Started with Project Management

Our dedicated Project Management team is a diverse group with a broad range of technical knowledge and skills that work to facilitate development within the county. From simple to complex projects, our team is here to help you through the entire process for your development project.

Contact the Project Management Team to discuss your project and learn about requirements and receive guidance from staff to help your application through the early stages of your project.

Site Plans

All development in Pinellas County shall be constructed and maintained in strict compliance with the approved final site plan. Any additional site alteration shall require further site plan review. All land or water areas required to remain in a natural condition shall not be altered in any way from such natural condition, except by further site plan review and approval. 

Request a Site Plan Pre-Application Meeting to help guide you through the new development or redevelopment project application and permitting process.

Additional Services & Permits 

Habitat Permit

A Habitat Management permit must be obtained before site construction can commence. There must be no equipment or construction materials on site until permit is in hand. Permit expires after 90 days of no activity

Utilization Permit

When working in the right of way or publicly dedicated easements of a property — such as new or replacement driveways, sidewalks, sewer or water connections, and temporary access — make sure to apply for a Utilization Permit.

Sureties / Bonds

Visit the Sureties page for more information about Maintenance Bonds and Completion Bonds.


A plat is a map that shows the subdivisions of a piece of land. Any land that will be subdivided into two or more lots must be platted before it is sold. Visit the Platting page for more information about plats.

Special Events Permit

Request to host a special event, such as a parade, marathon, or other even that requires use of a roadway in unincorporated Pinellas County, or a Pinellas County park or reserve. 
