Sawgrass Lake Park

Sawgrass Lake Park 7400 25th Street North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 United States
Google Map

The boardwalks are still undergoing storm recovery efforts. West Bridge and the tower are open, all other boardwalk sections remain closed for repairs.

The restrooms inside the Anderson Education Center are closed for renovations. They are expected to be finished by spring 2025. Portable restrooms will be available onsite. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to improve our facilities for the safety and enjoyment of our visitors.

Sawgrass Lake Park is 400 acres in the Lealman community of unincorporated Pinellas County and is the result of a unique cooperative agreement between Pinellas County Parks & Conservation Resources and the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This park has one of the largest maple swamps on the Gulf Coast, which allows people to view a variety of wildlife. Thousands of birds migrate through the park during the fall and spring.

Fishing is prohibited inside the park.


Sawgrass park boardwalk photo


  • Boardwalk, Nature Trail
  • Observation Tower
  • Parking
  • Restroom
  • One Picnic Shelter and Grill – No shelter reservation as only one is available


Open 7 days a week, 7 a.m. to sunset
County Parks are closed two days throughout the year, the day after Thanksgiving and December 25.

picture of the boardwalk trail