Health Care and Behavioral Health

Pinellas County works with community partners to help our residents receive the health care and resources they need.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Justice Related Contracts and Grants

Contracts The Office of Justice Coordination maintains oversight of more than 60 justice-related contracts. These contracts include areas such as law enforcement......


Pinellas County Alcohol & Drug Abuse Trust Fund Awards

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Trust Fund monies are used to support local drug abuse treatment and prevention programs. All applications received are......


Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking typically exploits individuals for commercial sex or forced labor while subjecting victims to force, fraud and coercion. In June 2015,......


Tips for avoiding COVID-19 robocall scams

As many of us are practicing social distancing by staying home, we may be more likely to answer unsolicited phone calls. That’s......


Request Rental or Social Assistance

To apply for rental or social assistance, visit the 2-1-1 Tampa Bay Care website....


Request Yellow Dot and Vial of Life Kits

Use this form to request a kit from Pinellas County’s Yellow Dot and Vial of Life program. This program alerts first responders......


Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Board Minutes for 5/11/21

Minutes of the May 11, 2021, meeting of the Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Board. ...


Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Board Minutes for 4/13/21

Minutes of the April 13, 2021, meeting of the Health Care for Homeless Co-Applicant Board. ...


Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Board Minutes for 3/3/21

Minutes of the March 3, 2021, meeting of the Health Care for the Homeless Co-Applicant Board. ...


MATE Helps Drug Users Kick the Habit

Human Services Spotlight Series #9 Recovering After 15 Years of Opioid Abuse Despite health issues, a previously homeless MATE client is substance......
