Project Management

Project Management Team

Our dedicated Project Management team is a diverse group with a broad range of technical knowledge and skills that work to facilitate development within the county. From simple to complex projects – our team is here to help you through the entire process for your development project. 

Contact the Project Management Team to discuss your project and learn about requirements and receive guidance from staff to help your application through the early stages of your project.

Project Manager Role

The project manager acts as the single point of contact, opening
the lines of communication by bringing an appropriate county
team together, and greatly reducing the amount of time
applicants spend going between staff members.

Typical Project Management Projects

  • New Multifamily Housing Projects – Simple and Complex
  • New Commercial Construction
  • Commercial Changes in Use / Expansions of Use
  • Subdivisions – New and Revisions to Existing
  • Institutional Projects – Private and Public
  • Affordable Housing Developments

What is Your Project?

We understand that residents and businesses envision a project that they desire to build within the County. In most cases their project will require multiple permits or approvals depending on the complexity of the proposal. We want to understand the customer’s “immediate project objective” and then ensure that communications, processes, approvals, and actions are coordinated efficiently for the entirety of the project. 

Core Services Offered

Development Review Meetings

These meetings are offered to identify required applications, establish project timelines, and determine if there are any major issues prior to application submittal. 

Early Assistance is free and focuses on sites that are in a more conceptual state or that are not a part of the DRC process. 

Site Plan Pre-Application meetings are a paid pre-submittal review with staff comments and a public meeting process.

Request a Meeting

Site Development Permitting

The Project Management Team facilitates the distribution and tracking of Site Plan reviews for site development. From a new commercial drive through addition to elaborate subdivisions, a Site Plan handled by Project Management gets the same quality treatment.

Our team will then monitor and offer guidance through the Site Plan review process, and other related permits for the scope, to see the project completed start to finish.

Submit an Application

Complex Building Permit Application Assistance

For those projects with minor site development but have complex zoning and uses tied to the building permit scope.

Petitions to Vacate

Petitions to Vacate are coordinated by the Petition to Vacate Team, which includes members of Project Management. Learn more.

Our Service Commitment

We are committed to a partnership, between a customer and staff, working together to process development proposals in a more timely and predictable way.

Some key ideas and practices are established to support the partnership culture:

  • Both the County and the customer will appoint a single point-of-contact for project communications and coordination.
  • The County will assign multi-disciplinary team (MDT) members as required by the project complexity and scope. MDT members remain constant throughout the entire project to improve review consistency, where feasible.
  • Staff and customer representatives use proactive and supportive communications with each other. The County and customer points-of-contacts communicate regularly on the project progress.
  • The process will be structured to create time for appropriate team members and customer representatives to meet, confer on issues and solve issues.
  • Staff and customer are open to be creative in ways to resolve issues within the regulatory framework. Collaboration, open-mindedness, flexibility, and communication are all essential in this process.
  • If the team is unable to solve the problem for any reason, the project manager and appropriate staff members will elevate the issue. We guarantee a second opinion. We will work with the customer to determine the most appropriate path to together to a final decision and then get you there.

Frequently Asked Questions