Transportation Planning

Pinellas County is working to be on the forefront of transportation planning to create safe routes for commuters across the county and provide options for transportation.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Roundabouts and Innovative Intersections

Improving intersection safety is a high priority for Pinellas County. Crashes at intersections represent about 25% of all traffic fatalities and half......


Keystone Road & East Lake Road Emergency Access Improvements

Project Overview An intersection analysis and alternatives development study was completed in December 2022 that evaluated ways to improve emergency services access......


Ridgemoor Boulevard Bridge Replacement

Project Overview Pinellas County is partnering with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to replace the Ridgemoor Boulevard bridge serving the Ridgemoor......


22nd Avenue S. (51st Street to 34th Street) Roadway Improvements

Project Overview This project consists of milling and resurfacing 22nd Avenue South from 51st Street to 34th Street, with road widening to......


Old Coachman Road Bridge Replacement

Project Overview Pinellas County is replacing the Old Coachman Road Bridge over Alligator Creek. The bridge was originally constructed in 1925. In......


Mehlenbacher Road Sidewalk Improvements

Project Overview Pinellas County proposed sidewalk and drainage improvements on Mehlenbacher Road. The project consisted of ADA-compliant sidewalks, curb ramps and driveways,......


62nd Avenue N. Roadway Improvements (49th Street N. to 66th Street N.)

Project Overview Pinellas County conducted a study on pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements along 62nd Avenue N., from 49th Street to 66th......


54th Avenue N. Improvements

...identified in the Linking Lealman Action Plan of 2019. The existing roadway between 49th Street and the CSX Railroad crossing has four travel lanes, a center two-way turn lane and......


Whitney Road Complete Streets Project

Project Overview Whitney Road is a major east-west roadway that acts as a critical connector for several businesses and residents in the......


Shore Drive Bridge Replacement

Project Overview Pinellas County is planning the replacement of the Shore Drive Bridge Project as part of an ongoing effort to maintain......
